Please note that we have updated pricing for our Naturopathic Doctor consultations and visits. Please note the prices when booking on the online system.
We appreciate your continued support and are honored to work with you on your health and wellness goals.

Welcome to our New Practitioners

Dr. Viktoriia Taylor - Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor and Acupuncturist (Seton location)

Sanja Joly, RMT - Registered Massage Therapist (Mahogany location)

Click their images below to book an appointment.

Clinic Hours

Office hours are subject to change without notice. If you need to pick something up or drop something off at either location, please call to make sure we will be open at the time you plan to arrive. Seton Location: 587-393-3890, Mahogany Location: 403-930-8162

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on the healing power of nature and it supports and stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using natural therapies including: botanical ... Read More

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on the healing power of nature and it supports and stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathic medicine is the art and science of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention using natural therapies including: botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulation, traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, lifestyle counselling and health promotion and disease prevention.


Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on balancing the flow of qi (energy/circulation) through meridian pathways under the skin, Chinese medicine includes the use of herbs and acupuncture (the insertion of very fine needles into specific points in the body) to regulate and release qi in order to bring the body back into balance. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain, internal... Read More

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on balancing the flow of qi (energy/circulation) through meridian pathways under the skin, Chinese medicine includes the use of herbs and acupuncture (the insertion of very fine needles into specific points in the body) to regulate and release qi in order to bring the body back into balance. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain, internal imbalances like digestion and hormonal problems and stress management.

Dr. Aliya Kabani has been on both sides of the health care realm, first a patient herself since the age of 3 dealing with a rare hereditary blood disorder called Beta Thalassemia Major, undergoing frequent blood transfusions for 10 years, chemotherapy at the age of 13 followed by a bone marrow transplant, and now as a Naturopathic Doctor, helping individuals with many chronic health ailments. Dr. Kabani believes in helping a patient where they are at and helping give them a sense of hope to propel them forward in their health and wellness journey. Her intentions are to offer love, guidance, patience, and encouragement. With her past experience of seeing many doctors in her life, she has a strong empathy and understanding of patients’ frustrations and goals of health and quality of living.

Dr. Kabani’s past work experiences have helped her incorporate her knowledge of infertility, pediatrics, digestive, women’s and senior’s health. Dr. Kabani also works in collaboration with other health care professionals (MD’s, OD’s, Chiros, and other health specialists) to improve the lives of all the patients she encounters. Specifically, her candidacy in the fellowship of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, has increased her passion for helping those of the aging population and help them have daily wellness in their lives.

Dr. Aliya uses a combination of clinical diagnostic tests, observational signs, a full past medical and social history, and an intake on the present emotional state to get to know the individual and treat the whole person with their health concerns.

Particularly, she has helped people with acne of all kinds (cystic, dry, hormone related), anemia, allergies, food intolerances, chronic degenerative disorders, hormone imbalances, digestive disturbances and menstrual related disorders, including optimizing fertility. She also gains referrals from other health care practitioners for chronic cases that need more support and guidance on nutrition and anti-inflammatory healing techniques.

Dr. Aliya has a special focus on aging wellness and is currently completing her fellowship in Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine.

She is certified in acupuncture, injection and IV therapy, as well as Chelation therapy. In addition, she has completed seminars on infertility and acupuncture, particularly with the use of IVF.

She looks forward to working in a community with other health care professionals and being part of one’s health care team.

Dr. Aliya Kabani, Naturopathic Doctor, or as her patients like to call her, “Dr. Aliya”, has a vision of promoting health starting from the inside and traveling outward. Dr. Aliya’s wish is to leave footprints on every person she touches, therefore making a difference in this world, whether it be one person or the whole world. Similar to a small ripple, which builds more momentum and continues to create changes from the smallest level to the largest level, this is what Dr. Aliya wants to do for you. With this being said, Dr. Aliya likes to be considered a giver of hope! Dr. Aliya’s vision is to create a “ripple-effect” in healing. She believes that her purpose in this world is to help and heal the world. She is not only a doctor of naturopathic medicine, but has also been a patient of naturopathic care since 2001 and a patient of mainstream medicine since the age of 3. She believes she is alive today because of mainstream medicine, but is living today because of naturopathic medicine.

Dr. Aliya Kabani has been on both sides of the health care realm, first a patient herself since t... Read More

Dr. Viktoriia Taylor, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Viktoriia has an extensive knowledge in the medical field, and brings to her practice over 10 years of experience in the western medical field as a medical doctor in Ukraine. In Ukraine, she was a Doctor of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and gained incredible wisdom and patient relationship skills during her time there.

When Viktoriia moved to Canada, she found herself experiencing some health concerns. Through her own experience with using acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to help her heal, Viktoriia was inspired to help others with this method of healing.

Dr. Viktoriia Taylor is a Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, who graduated from ACATCM in Calgary, A.B.

The specific tools and modalities of Acupuncture and TCM that Dr. Taylor works with are the following:

  • Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Korean style of acupuncture.
  • Electroacupuncture
  • Auricular and scalp acupuncture.
  • Chinese therapeutic bodywork such as Tui NA, Gua Sha and cupping.
  • 5 elements dietary counselling
  • Herbal remedy treatments

Dr. Taylor’s areas of focus include, but are not limited to, pain management treatment (muscular, neurological, etc), blood and lymphatic circulation issues, recovery post-trauma, stroke recovery, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, infertility, mental and emotional issues, chronic stress and anxiety, and other health problems.

Her main principal is treating the mind and body to help all aspects of healing.

She can’t wait to start helping you on your health and wellness journey!

Dr. Viktoriia Taylor, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Viktoriia has an extensive kno... Read More

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